Tuesday, July 10, 2012

3 Airplanes, 1 car ride

Lucknow Airport
Delhi Airport
Malaysia Airport
Gosh started our trip 9 days ago and just sat down for more than 10mins on the laptop. 

Ayana cut her head just before we left India. I cried like anything haha
The trip over was for the most part smooth sailing. We had an assistant through out the airport and apart from the little tantrums due to an upside down routine and lack of sleep, Ayana was awesome as. She slept, played, scribbled in her colouring book, hardly took notice of the cartoons on the t.v. and hated her seat belt (She had never had to used one before).

Sitting arrangement
Airplane (Malaysian) food was just okay. Enjoyed the food more from KL to Auckland than Delhi to KL. Had my first Magnum in over 5 and half years. Yummy.

Had enough of sitting for ages and being in the seat belt.
Stayed over my sister-in-laws for the night and the road trip home was all good too.

Mini Magnum
First car seat ride. "Mama I want to stand up"
3 suit cases had been delayed. Received one the day after from the airport and 2 more 2 days later (Delivered to our house in the Bay of Islands). They were opened up and checked by MAF and nothing was taken...not even our dry tea leaves we packed in zip lock bags :).  

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